Excellent scholarship: January-December 2012

By | 7/25/2012 04:24:00 PM Leave a Comment
http://beasiswaunggulan.kemdiknas.go.id/application/templates/default/bg/bu.png Excellent Scholarship is aider program for providing tuition by Indonesia Government based on approval of cooperation for the best Indonesian and foreign university student.
They who had already had achievement in national or international competition.

Excellent Scholarship for Foreign university student (Palestine, etc) is special program for foreign university student and priority for Palestinian, etc. This program is used for stimulating the department which hold duplicate academic title, or identical.

NAASP (New Asian-African Strategic Partnership) Conference has held in Jakarta on 14-15 July 2008 success to inventory the aider of countries in Asia and Africa for Palestinian especially technical sector and development for human resources capacity as an effort to draw up Palestine to be freedom and power state.
Palestine President has visited Indonesia on 22-23 October 2007, approved a joint statement that aider capacity building for Palestine-one is: Education.


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